
Ultimately, I want to sort out the family trees of the great-grandparents of my children. Doing so I soon found out that others have been there before me..... And this is also the case with the family Loman(s). There is an extensive family tree to be found on the Internet, compiled by Maria Vos-Blekemolen ( She deserves all honours for her investigations! Maria has her own website where you can find a lot more families.

When I have the time I will try to fill in the empty gaps, but for now I have plenty to do on the other trees!

Progress of the investigation:
18/04/2006: 124 persons, of which 81 named Lo(o)man(s).
06/04/2007: 125 persons, of which 81 named Lo(o)man(s).
15/09/2008: 131 persons, of which 86 named Lo(o)man(s).
24/01/2018: 153 persons, of which 105 named Lo(o)man(s).
20/10/2018: 721 persons, of which 397 named Lo(o)man(s).
10/05/2021: 753 persons, of which 399 named Lo(o)man(s).

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