Generation 1
Generation 2
Generation 3
Generation 4
Generation 5
Generation 6
Generation 7
Generation 8
Guest book
The family of Martis (and before that: Martens) seems to have its origin in Germany. By the end of the 18th century we can find the first record of Jan Martens in Monnickendam. Until now, most of the descendants of Jan still live in this area. It is remarkable that the family is very small, and in fact, is threatened with extinction (unless a few male descendants produce some sons in near future..... ;-)).
A few descendants told me that the family tree goes back to Glückstadt in Germany; however, I have not found any proof of that so far. So, for the time being, I stick to Jan as the oldest ancestor of this family. To be continued!
Progress of the investigation:
18/04/2006: 35 persons, of which 23 named Martens/Martis.
27/04/2006: 54 persons, of which 40 named Martens/Martis.
07/01/2007: 87 persons, of which 51 named Martens/Martis.
15/09/2008: 88 persons, of which 52 named Martens/Martis.
24/01/2018: 92 persons, of which 56 named Martens/Martis.
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