Genealogy of Jan Strobach

II Johann Strobach, born on 6 November 1692 in Hemleben ), died on 1 February 1731 in Norderney ) at the age of 38, buried on 9 February 1731 in Norderney ), son of Jan Strobach (see I) and Anna Christina Strobachin.
He (1) gets married on 3 June 1721 in Emden ) at the age of 28 to the circa 29-year old Gretje Janssen Lüningen, born circa 1692, died on 19 May 1722 in Norderney ) (circa 30 years old), buried on 21 May 1722 in Norderney ).

Child of Johann and Gretje:

1. Anna Christina Strobach, born on 26 March 1722 in Norderney ), baptized on 26 March 1722 in Norderney ), died on 23 February 1769 in Esens ) at the age of 46, buried on 28 February 1769 in Esens ).

He (2) gets married on 25 September 1724 in Hage ) at the age of 31 to the 21-year old Sophia Charlotte Voigting, born on 22 June 1703 in Westerende ), died on 8 November 1730 in Norderney ) at the age of 27, buried on 12 November 1730 in Norderney ), daughter of Pancratius Voigting and Geindel Christine Maesen.

Children of Johann and Sophia:

1. Christina Sophia Strobach, born on 3 October 1725 in Norderney ) (see III-a).
2. Gottlieb Strobach, born on 7 July 1727 in Norderney ) (see III-b).
3. Pancratius Bernhard Strobach, born on 30 November 1728 in Norderney ), died after March 1750 (at least 21 years old).
4. Elisabeth Juliana Strobach, born on 2 November 1730 in Norderney ), baptized on 6 November 1730 in Norderney ), buried on 17 January 1731 in Hage ) at the age of 0 (2 months old).

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