Pedigree chart of Brian and Davy Meijer

Generation I

1.1 Brian Meijer, born on 16 October 1990 in Naarden (), son of René Meijer (see 2) and Astrid Maria Houtveen (see 3).

1.2 Davy Meijer, born on 17 September 1992 in Almere (), son of René Meijer (see 2) and Astrid Maria Houtveen (see 3).
He starts a relationship on 7 April 2018 in Wageningen () at the age of 25 with the 24-year old Wies Theodora Maria van Dooremalen, born on 15 July 1993 in ’s-Hertogenbosch (), daughter of Antonius Lambertus Josephus van Dooremalen and Elisabeth Wilhelmina Maria Mathijssen.

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