Pedigree chart of Syb Meijer

Generation II

2   Davy Meijer, born on 17 September 1992 in Almere (), son of René Meijer (see 4) and Astrid Maria Houtveen (see 5).
He registers a partnership on 9 April 2024 in Culemborg () at the age of 31 with the 30-year old
3   Wies Theodora Maria van Dooremalen, born on 15 July 1993 in ’s-Hertogenbosch (), daughter of Antonius Lambertus Josephus van Dooremalen (see 6) and Elisabeth Wilhelmina Maria Mathijssen (see 7).

Child of Davy and Wies:

1. Syb Noah Meijer (zie 1).

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