
Family statistics

Marriages (of name carriers) that can be considered a "shotgun marriage" (*)
No. Marriage 1st Child Born
1 Klaas Martens (II-d) en Pietertje Gerrits Stroman 09/04/1820Jan Janse 15/03/1819
2 Jacob Jan Wijchers en Krelisje Martis (V-a) 19/04/1917Arendina 26/09/1917
3 Harbert de Waart en Jannetje Martis (V-f) 02/04/1930Cornelis Simon Pieter 17/05/1930

(*) A marriage can be considered a "shotgun marriage" if the firstborn child is born before or within 7 months after the marriage. As since the sexual revolution in the sixties of the 20th century it became more and more accepted to get children without being married, children who are born since 1970 are not taken into account anymore.

Couples (with a name carrier) who got at least 10 children (*)
No. Children
There are no couples known how got at least 10 children.

(*) Stillborn children are also counted here.

Persons (name carriers only) who got at least 10 children (*)
No. Children Relations (**)
There are no persons known how got at least 10 children.

(*) Stillborn children are also counted here.
(**) Here you can find the number of relations the children originated from. All children of which only 1 parent is known are seen as 1 (unknown) relation.

Men (name carriers only) who became a father before the age of 21 (*)
No. Indication Year Month Day
There are no men who became a father this young.

(*) The minimum age for this item is 15 years, to prevent that persons, whose date of birth is unknown and who are baptized at later age, are mentioned here.

Women (name carriers only) who became a mother before the age of 21 (*)
No. Indication Year Month Day
1 Jannetje Martis (V-f)   18 10 10

(*) The minimum age for this item is 15 years, to prevent that persons, whose date of birth is unknown and who are baptized at later age, are mentioned here.

Men (name carriers only) who became a father after the age of 40
No. Indication Year Month Day
1 Cornelis Jans Martens (II-c) about 44 3 4
2 Ronald Martis (VIII-b) about 44 0 0
3 Cornelis Martis (IV-a)   42 3 24
4 Jacob Martis (IV-d)   41 0 7
5 Jan Martens (I) about 40 0 0

Women (name carriers only) who became a mother after the age of 40
No. Indication Year Month Day
1 Grietje Martens (II-b) about 45 8 3
2 Gerritje Martens (III-c)   42 10 15
3 Neeltje Martis (VI-c)   40 2 15

Multiple pregnancies (*) (of families with name carriers only)
There are no multiple pregnancies in this file.

(*) One can speak of multiple pregnancy if the children are born within 1 month.
(**) It doesn't matter if the parents are married to eachother or not.
(***) It is possible to get more than 1 multiple pregnancy!

Generated by Aldfaer, version 11.1.